We adopted the following Reggio Emilia Principles

Image of the Child, Empowerment
The strong belief of children as citizens and social beings with unique personal, historical and cultural identities guides curriculum decisions and invites children to be partners in learning. For Green Hive teachers, educating is a back and forth dynamic where respect is an active state of being with children.
Collaborative planning supports continuity and positive transitions within and in between early childhood settings. At Green Hive, the entire system is designed to be connected — children, teachers, and families join together to continuously improve the system that supports our community.
The Hundred Languages
Recognizes the infinite methods children seek to express their ideas, theories, thoughts, feelings, frustrations, discoveries, understanding, and knowledge. At Green Hive, these include print, art, construction, drama, music, puppetry, shadow play, and other open-ended resources and experiences.
The Environment
The environment acts as a second teacher with rich and built-in learning opportunities. Green Hive classroom and atelier have been designed to give every corner of the center an identity and purpose of fostering encounters, encourage communication and relationships, and invite children to delve deeper and investigate.
The Power of Documentation
We document the learning process through photographs, transcripts, visual representations, and sound recordings. Green Hive teachers share these Learning Moments with the child’s family and invite dialogue about this area of interest. The variety of documentation we gather forms a much richer holistic picture of the child.
Emergent Curriculum
We regard learning as a spiraling progression, not as a linear process. Through observation, documentation, and input from the children, Green Hive teachers plan activities and long-term projects aligned with the social, emotional, and academic goals of individuals.
318 Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211